Brigham Young University

Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah
BYU encourages all students, regardless of their circumstances, to apply for scholarships. By completing the BYU Scholarship Application, students can be considered for all possible (academic, need-based, and private) scholarships offered by the Financial Aid Office.


The university scholarship application is available online.
Note: You will need a BYU login to complete the application. If you do not have one, create one.

Dates and Deadlines

The scholarship application must be submitted on or before posted deadlines, even if the student has not yet been admitted to the university. If admitted, the scholarship application will then be processed. Following are the scholarship application deadlines:
Winter 2013 October 1, 2012
Spring 2013 February 1, 2013
Summer 2013 February 1, 2013
Fall 2013 February 1, 2013
Note: Departments and colleges may have different deadlines for their scholarships.

Who is eligible?

New Freshmen
Prospective new freshmen are eligible to apply for undergraduate scholarships beginning with the term/semester they are admitted. Please note scholarship deadlines listed below. Freshmen must submit all admissions materials to the Admissions Office by the scholarship deadline in order to be considered for scholarships.
Former and Continuing Students
Former and continuing undergraduate degree-seeking students are eligible to apply for undergraduate scholarships. Former students receive consideration as continuing students.
Transfer Students
Transfer students are not eligible for academic scholarships upon initial entrance at BYU.  Transfer students can apply for academic scholarships as Continuing students after having completed at least one full enrollment (12 credit hours) at BYU by the appropriate March 1 application deadline.  See the chart below.

Entrance Date Transfer Student eligible to apply for: Application Deadline
Winter 2013 Spring 2014, Summer 2014, Fall 2014, Winter 2015 March 1, 2014
Spring 2013 Spring 2014, Summer 2014, Fall 2014, Winter 2015 March 1, 2014
Summer 2013 Spring 2014, Summer 2014, Fall 2014, Winter 2015 March 1, 2014
Fall 2013 Spring 2014, Summer 2014, Fall 2014, Winter 2015 March 1, 2014
Winter 2014 Spring 2015, Summer 2015, Fall 2015, Winter 2016 March 1, 2015
There are a few additional university scholarships and also departmental scholarships for which some transfer students may receive consideration.  If you would like to be considered for these, please complete the online scholarship application. Also, please contact your college and department to explore other scholarship opportunities.
International Students

International students are eligible to apply for academic scholarships after completing one full enrollment (12 credits) at BYU. The deadline to submit the continuing student scholarship application is March 1. Scholarships are awarded annually.

Eligibility Limits

The Financial Aid Office limits assistance to eight semesters of fall/winter scholarship per student.  Spring/summer scholarships do not count against the eight semesters of eligibility.  Thus, after receiving eight semesters of fall/winter scholarship, you may still be eligible for spring/summer awards.

Academic Criteria

Freshmen Academic Criteria
Brigham Young University anticipates awarding approximately one-fourth of the new incoming freshmen students an academic scholarship.  Multi-year full, one-year full, and half tuition awards will be determined on the basis of available funding and the qualifications of the candidates relative to one another, once the applicant pool has been finalized.  We will inform students of scholarship decisions in their My Financial Center's Message Center by the notification date indicated on our website.
Continuing Student Academic Criteria
Continuing Student academic criteria are determined at the beginning of the awarding process, and therefore cannot be published in advance.  Please note that the cumulative BYU GPA must meet the minimum requirements in order for a scholarship to be awarded.
Continuing Students, Spring/Summer 2012 Required GPA
Spring/Summer Full LDS Tuition 3.75
Spring/Summer Half LDS Tuition 3.56

The Fall 2013/Winter 2014 continuing student academic scholarship consideration is based upon a student's completion of at least 12.0 BYU credit hours as a day continuing student by the end of Fall 2012 semester.  The BYU cumulative GPA must meet the cutoff in order for a scholarship to be awarded. Below are the cutoffs for the past academic year.

Continuing Students, Fall/Winter 2012–2013 Required GPA Full LDS Tuition Required GPA Half LDS Tuition
Life Sciences  3.89 3.67
Marriott School of Management  3.90 3.75
David O. McKay School of Education 3.87 3.66
Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology 3.87 3.60
Fine Arts and Communications 3.88 3.67
Humanities 3.91 3.71
International and Area Studies 3.89 3.65
Nursing 3.94 3.80
Physical and Mathematical Sciences 3.91 3.65
Family, Home, and Social Sciences 3.88 3.63
Open Major 3.93 3.73
 Majors must have been declared by the scholarship deadline of March 1, 2013.

 How do I apply? If you are a New Freshman, Former Student, or Continuing Student, submit the scholarship application by the appropriate deadline. Freshman and Former students must submit their admissions materials to the Admissions Office by the appropriate scholarship deadline to be considered. See the step 3 tab above for further details.  We encourage all students to complete the online application.

 What are the deadlines, and when will I know if I am a recipient?Application Deadlines
You must apply for scholarships on or before posted deadlines, even if you have not yet been admitted to the university. Your application for scholarships will be processed once you are admitted.  Both your admission and scholarship application must be submitted by the appropriate scholarship application deadline in order to be considered for scholarships.  Only those applications submitted by the deadline will be considered. Department and colleges may have different deadlines for their scholarships. See BYU Departmental Scholarships for more information.

Eligible Students Spring 2013 Summer 2013 Fall 2013 Winter 2014
New Freshman* Feb 1, 2013 Feb 1, 2013 Feb 1, 2013 Oct 1, 2013
Former* Feb 1, 2013 Feb 1, 2013 Feb 1, 2013 Oct 1, 2013
Continuing Mar 1, 2013 Mar 1, 2013 Mar 1, 2013
Transfer* N/A N/A Feb 1, 2013 Oct 1, 2013
Graduate  Contact your department for application materials and deadlines.

*By submitting the CES application for admission, new freshman students will be considered for academic scholarships. (Keep in mind that international students and new transfer students are not eligible for academic scholarships upon their entrance to BYU.)  Transfer and international students can apply for academic scholarships as Continuing students after having completed at least one full enrollment (12 credit hours) at BYU on or before to the appropriate February 1 application deadline. To be considered for other awards, you must complete the online scholarship application (formerly known as the COMPREHENSIVE scholarship application) accessible at: or myBYU, or by clicking on step 3 on the left side of this web page.

Notification is sent to all applicants whether they are awarded a scholarship or not.  Notification will be sent electronically through your Message Center.  Please note that we cannot release decisions over the phone or via email due to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, which protects students' privacy.

Eligible Students Spring 2013 Summer 2013 Fall 2013 Winter 2014
New Freshman Mid-April  Mid-April Mid-April Mid-November*
Former  End of March  End of March Mid-April  Mid-November*
Continuing End of March  End of March Mid-April
Transfer N/A N/A Mid-April Mid-November*
*Only those students applying for winter scholarships as new freshman or former students will be notified of winter scholarships at this time. If you were enrolled during fall semester, your fall and winter notifications were combined.
Additionally, if your initial enrollment was winter semester and you entered as a new freshman student, we considered you for winter, spring, and summer scholarships upon your admission. You will not receive a separate notification regarding spring and summer scholarships during your first academic year. Former students returning to BYU Winter semester must complete a separate spring/summer scholarship application to be considered.
To see your current and past awards (scholarship history), visit the SCHOLAR page on myBYU.

How much money can I get?

Most scholarships are either full LDS tuition or half LDS tuition. Students will receive only one scholarship from the Financial Aid Office. If you qualify for more than one scholarship, you will receive the award with the highest monetary value. You are welcome to receive additional scholarships from your department or other organizations.


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